Office Line : 510-381-7359 or 925-433-1059

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm Pacific Time 

Forever Lasting Beauty Colors

The Forever Lasting Beauty pigments come in creamy, liquid pharmaceutical glycerin base. They provide comfort to the technician during implantation stabilizing immediately on the skin and they don’t dry out or evaporate when exposed to the environment.
Our pigments are in great demand both in the cosmetic field as well as the medical field. They are manufactured under the strictest sanitary norms meeting the following requirements:
• Non-toxic.
• Do not contain alcohol.
• Do not cause irritation of the tissues.
• Sterile.
• Consist primarily of inert ingredients (iron oxide, titanium dioxide).
• No changes of density and color
• Particle size greater than 6 microns, so that macrophages have more difficulty to ingest them and remain longer in the treated area.
• Low solubility and stability
Forever Lasting Beauty stay true to its color and are pigments you can definitely trust!

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